Passaic County, New Jersey needed to improve safety and capacity on a one-mile stretch of Greenwood Lake Turnpike and turned to PS&S to design the improvements. The roadway had expanded over the years from low-volume use to a frequented commuter route. The improvements were focused mainly on softening a sharp curve and widening the roadway to improve safety and provide standard lane widths and shoulders.
Portions of the one-mile stretch of roadway were adjacent to Green Acres properties, flood plains and exceptional resource value freshwater wetlands. The construction would require impacts to these environmental features including the relocation of a trout production stream. Complicating the construction, the roadway could not be closed or detoured, requiring a phasing plan to allow two-way traffic at all times.
With an attentive eye on the surrounding environment, PS&S designed the project to provide standard roadway geometry and lane widths. To address the stormwater management requirements, a series of roadside water quality basins were designed to treat roadway runoff prior to discharge to the environmentally sensitive surroundings. PS&S worked closely with the NJDEP and the County to relocate a trout production stream and provide the capacity and habitat consistent with the existing channel. Significant retaining walls were designed to minimize impacts to adjacent wetlands, the stream, and Green Acres properties and preserve existing mature wooded slopes. Wetland impacts were mitigated on site by restoring to wetlands a defunct utility site surrounded by the existing wetlands. PS&S provided an extensive reforestation program to re-vegetate the disturbed areas as well as compensate for the lost Green Acres property. Passaic County and New Jersey Department of Transportation design standards were met, impacts to the environment were minimized and the realigned roadway merged flawlessly into the local highway system.