
Emily T. Cooperman, MS, PhD

Senior Architectural Historian, Cultural Resources

Dr. Cooperman has over three decades of professional experience in historic preservation and cultural resource management regulation compliance. She is a broadly recognized expert in evaluating the historical significance of buildings, structures, and landscapes, in the assessment of project effects upon such cultural resources, in planning for historic preservation, in historical designations, and cultural resource regulation compliance in federal, state, and local jurisdictions. Her experience includes expert testimony. Her clients have included utilities, municipalities, individual property owners, attorneys, colleges, universities and secondary schools, architects and landscape architects, engineers, planners, developers, regulatory agencies, preservation advocacy organizations, and museums.

Dr. Cooperman earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in French and English from Amherst College before completing a Master of Science in Historic Preservation and a Ph.D. in the History of Art from the University of Pennsylvania.



Tel.  732.482.9049




Area of Expertise

Cultural Resource Management